Use PayPal to Receive Payments from Your Website
You can use PayPal to Accept Credit Card Payments for your website. If you have been using services like e-Junkie, then its time to drop it. You can even choose to handle advertisement section using PayPal. You do not need to chase advertisers for Payment anymore. PayPal can handle advertisers. They subscribe to display ads on your website and pay to your PayPal account and you just have to display their ad. Ever seen large ad spots at websites? TechMynd has got those irritating ad spots at the right side if you see. They have not been purchased yet. Empty blank boxes are ugly. You can choose to display text there instead of those empty boxes and handle all the process using your PayPal account. PayPal allows advertisers to subscribe for ad spot, you choose the price, advertiser choose the subscription time period and you get the text code to display text of your choice to sell ad spots at your website. Its not like BuySellAds, its better than that. You don't have to pay anything to PayPal for this service. You get all you receive from the advertiser. Here is how you can do it.
  • Go to PayPal and login
  • Go to 'Merchants Services'
  • In 'Start accepting payments' Select 'Sell Single Item' or 'Sell subscriptions'
  • Select and fill requirements e.g. button, amount, item name, product information etc.
  • You can change the button style used and add more options such as color, size, etc.
  • When finished click 'Create Button'. The next page tells how to place the button on your website or within an email.
  • Done! It's that easy. You can create as many buttons as you want for your products. There are also lots of other solutions available so you can send invoices for your products or services, and even have a shopping cart with a 'View Cart' button.
Set Up PayPal Subscription for Ads - Video Guide

  • *Under 'Products and Services', 'shop online' link will show you big brands you can go and buy stuff from.
  • * Under 'Products and Services', 'email payments' link will guide you about 'How to Accept online payments without a website'.

  • * 'Merchant Services' tab contains guides about how to:
  1. Accept credit cards on a website
  2. Add PayPal to your existing payment solution
  3. Invoice with online payments
  4. Accept credit cards over the phone
  5. Sell via eBay
    Via: Techmynd

    1 comment:

    1. You're missing a point where you actually have a banner, and want to change it or add it in the first place, that creates fuss which ultimately only an advertising network can help with.
